Friday, November 04, 2005


Word Count: 21,036

YES! I've reached the 20K mark in four days! Only 80K to go! I'm so happy right now. I finally caught up on my word counts and I'm still ahead of schedule, so I might even get to take a break some time this month!

Also, instead of forcing words out and waiting for the 30 minute word wars finish, I'm now having fun spenting all this time on my story and my characters, who are actually beginning to take on shapes and personalities! And I'm beginning to like them, too! Who knows, I might even feel bad about killing them off. But of course that's not going to stop me from killing them.

You should all be very proud of me. 20K words and so far only one person has died...well, okay, maybe two, but the first one is kind of vague and no one is sure whether she's dead. And, honestly, I don't think anyone should care. I'm in a state of bliss right now so please excuse all exclaimation marks and gushing. I'm really tempted to upload a whole mixtape right's late and I should probably rest for another frantic day tomorrow.